Why Indian Remote App Developers Are a Game Changer for Startups

As a startup, keeping your company afloat with expenses on top of expenses would take a lot of work. Being new to business, you would try to cut costs wherever you can to survive, while also trying to ensure that the investments return some benefits. Keep in mind that high prices don’t ensure quality and …

Why Indian Remote App Developers Are a Game Changer for Startups Read More »

Hire remote mobile app developers india

As a startup, keeping your company afloat with expenses on top of expenses would take a lot of work. Being new to business, you would try to cut costs wherever you can to survive, while also trying to ensure that the investments return some benefits. Keep in mind that high prices don’t ensure quality and cheap resources can’t immediately be branded unreliable.

If you are looking to hire remote app developers for your business, and are looking at remote development for startups, maybe jump on this train, and allow our service to flourish your business.

Remote App Developers

Medium defines Remote App Developers as ‘developers who work beyond the office’s boundaries’.  They are programmers who work on your projects remotely and conveniently provide frequent updates on the project status for your review and feedback.

While remote developers are very convenient, there are also options for hiring an in-house team or platforms that offer a diverse pool of freelancers. But hear me out, let me tell you why you should circumvent these two and think about hiring remote app developers in India, and how you can benefit from it.

Why Hire Remote App Developers From India?

Hiring remote app developers from India for your project can be advantageous in various aspects. Faster Capital reports that a study conducted by Upwork found that developers are in high demand and short supply, with more than 1 million postings across 150 countries. It also mentions that almost 66% of companies use software to take care of their businesses.

Allow me to explain why outsourcing app development might be a smart choice for your startup venture:

  1. Experience: When you hire remote app developers from top outsourcing companies, you are availing a team that has already been a part of multiple different projects, so they know what not to do. They are there from ideation to post-project maintenance. If you don’t have much idea about how app development works, outsourcing companies will have that covered for you. 
  2. Global Reach: Since the developers work remotely they can work at flexible timings and from anywhere around the world. The talent pool on a global scale is massive, so you can choose from diverse portfolios and skill sets to get the right fit for your project. But make sure you conduct proper hiring tests to employ the right people. 
  3. Easy Management: You get assigned to a project manager when you outsource a development team. So for all your questions and doubts, your point of contact will be this person. You don’t need to manage the various hired resources and concentrate on more important tasks. And let’s be real, startups have too many challenges to overcome. 
  4. Smooth Communication: While you might think that remote teams would have a hard time with collaboration and communication as they work remotely, these outsourcing companies have their own communication and working models in place to make sure you get frequent project updates. 
  5. Team Composition: Most outsourcing companies have proper development teams, from developers to QA testers. This team will help assure product quality as most offshore development companies bank on customer satisfaction and value their reputation a lot.

A Comparison: In-House & Freelance Vs. Remote Developers

You can hire from freelance portals or have an in-house team as they offer their advantages, but they are completely overthrown by the various benefits that hiring Remote App Developers offers.

In-house Developers:

The following are the benefits and disadvantages of hiring in-house developers:


  • Promotes a better work environment
  • Allows for smoother communication
  • Enhances product quality


  • Time-consuming
  • Expensive due to factors like salary, office space, taxes, and benefits


The following are the benefits and disadvantages of hiring freelancers:


  • Offers flexibility in hiring for specific tasks
  • Can be cost-effective for short-term projects
  • Provides access to a diverse pool of talent


  • May lack accountability and commitment
  • Communication and coordination can be challenging
  • Quality and reliability may vary

In-house teams and freelance developers offer various benefits and have their shortfalls, and hopefully, the brief above cleared it up for you. But keep in mind that with remote developers, you can gain these advantages, but also mitigate the problems. By hiring remote app developers you can be guaranteed about the app’s quality, and also hold them accountable. However, a freelancer does not have such constraints. And compared to hiring a full in-house team (which a startup has little to no budget for), you can save on a multitude of expenses. Factor in costs like employee salary, benefits, office space, transportation, taxes, and so on.

Hiring A Remote Developer For Your Startup

When you are looking to hire a remote app developer for your project, how can you engage the perfect talent for your requirements? There are several factors you are going to want to check off.

  • Does your developer prioritize qualities that align with startup ethos, such as agility, foresight, and a knack for creating captivating user experiences? 
  • Does your developer have the right technical knowledge and skillset? 
  • Does your developer possess the blend of creative flair, strategic thinking, and a willingness to take risks that’s essential for success?
  • Do they have diverse experience and an impressive portfolio of projects under their belt?
  • Apart from the usual screening tests, also check to see if your developer has the required soft skills, communicates well, and is actually eager and willing to align with company goals to craft the perfect app. 
  • Finally, we need guarantees to go along with the various accomplishments listed. Ask to hear about their client testimonials and various success stories.

In the context of project management with remote developers, this includes strong communication and collaboration skills, as well as the ability to work effectively within a defined workflow.

For communication with offshore teams, specifically, assess their experience and comfort level with various communication tools and platforms. Additionally, learn about their cultural awareness and how they reach out to overcome cultural gaps so that a smooth collaboration can be established.

Remote App Developers: Game Changer For Startups

As a startup, you might not have a well-established HR department to get you the right talents at budgeted prices. By outsourcing your app development to India you can delegate tasks and get your job done more efficiently and cheaply than going through the hassle of headhunting, interviewing, recruiting, training, and maintaining a team. The financial commitment is another huge burden for a startup to handle.

By now it is a well-established fact that access to Indian tech talent allows for procuring quality solutions are highly reasonable rates. Tap into a diverse talent pool and scale up your startup fast with a good app powering your growth, step by step, all the way to the summit. Don’t just survive, but establish yourself and thrive in this highly competitive world.

Hire Remote App Developers for Your Startup

Ready to transform your startup with remote app developers in India? Discover how to leverage their expertise for your success today.