How to Develop a Simple API Call With React: A Beginner’s Guide

develop simple API call with react

Key Takeaways

  • This guide will show you how to develop simple API call with React. We’ll start by setting up your environment and creating a new React project.
  • Then, we’ll demonstrate how to fetch data using both fetch and axios, handle any errors, and improve your API calls for a better user experience.
  • By the end, you’ll have a working example of API calls in your React app.

Why API Calls Are Important in React

API calls are important in today’s web development. They let websites get and use data from outside sources like databases or other services. In React, using API calls is key to creating interactive, data-based apps that can update content often without needing to reload the whole page.

React facilitates the easy integration of APIs through its component-based architecture. By utilizing hooks like use State and use Effect, React developers manage state and handle side effects, including API calls, efficiently. This approach enables React applications to display data dynamically, ensuring that the app remains fast and responsive to user interactions. Additionally, creating a ReactJS app is easy you can set it up quickly using npx create-react-app, which handles all configurations and allows you to focus directly on development.

Although setting up API calls might seem simple, to hire ReactJS developers with experience is beneficial. They optimize performance and organize code effectively for large-scale applications.

Develop a Simple API Call in React: Step-by-Step Guide

This section provides a detailed walkthrough on creating and integrating API calls within your React application. Follow each step carefully to ensure a smooth implementation process.

Step 1: Setting Up Your React Environment

To develop simple API call with React, the first step is to set up your environment. For that, we have to create a new React project using Create React App.

1. Open the terminal and run:

npx create-react-app simple-api-app
cd simple-api-app

2. Start the development server and run:

npm start

This will create a new React project called simple-api-app and start a development server on your local machine. With this, your React environment is ready, and you can start building your API call component.

Step 2: Creating a Component for Fetching Data

The next step is to build a component responsible for fetching data from an API. Here, we will be using a JavaScript feature ‘fetch API’ to make HTTP requests asynchronously. Create a file titled ApiComponent.js in the src folder, then use this code:

import  React, { useState, useEffect } from  'react';
function ApiComponent() {
  const [records, setRecords] = useState([]);
  const [loadingStatus, setLoadingStatus] = useState(true);
  useEffect(() => {
    // Making the API call
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((jsonData) => {
        setRecords(jsonData); // Set the data to state
        setLoadingStatus(false); // Set loading to false
      .catch((error) => {
        console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
  }, []); // Empty array ensures this useEffect runs only once when the component mounts.
  if (loadingStatus) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>; // Display a loading message
  return (
      <h1 >API RECORDS</h1 >
        { => (
          <li key={}>
            <strong>{e.title}</strong>: {e.body}
export default ApiComponent;

In this code:

  • UseState manages the state for storing the fetched data and the loading status.
  • UseEffect is used to trigger the API call when the component mounts.
  • The fetch API is used to retrieve data asynchronously.

For error handling, a basic console.error function is included to log errors. Additionally, a loading message is displayed while the data is being fetched.

Step 3: Displaying API Data in the Application

After creating the API component, the next step is to integrate it into your main App.js file. Open src/App.js and modify it as follows:

import React from 'react';
import ApiComponent from './ApiComponent';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Simple API Call in React</h1>
      <ApiComponent />

export default App;

This integration embeds your API component into the main app, allowing the data fetched from the API to display dynamically within your application. By setting up this simple structure, you successfully integrate API data fetching into your React project.

Step 4: Using Axios for API Calls

Although the fetch API works well, many developers prefer using axios for API calls due to its more straightforward syntax and additional features. To switch to axios, follow these steps:

  1. Install axios in your project:
npm install axios

2. Modify the ApiComponent to use axios for data fetching:

import  React, { useState,  useEffect } from  'react';
import axios from 'axios';
function ApiComponent() {
  const [records, setRecords] =  useState([]);
  const [loadingStatus, setLoadingStatus] =  useState();
  useEffect(() => {
      .then((response) => {
        setRecords(; // Set data from response
        setLoadingStatus(false); // Set loading to false
      .catch((error) => {
        console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
  }, []);
  if (loadingStatus) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;
  return (
      <h1>API Data</h1>
        { => (
          <li key={}>
            <strong>{e.title}</strong>: {e.body}
export default ApiComponent;

The axios version of the code is more concise, and it provides built-in support for handling response data in a simpler way. Moreover, it handles errors more gracefully and can be extended with features like interceptors.

Step 5: Improving the API Call

Once you have your basic API call setup, there are several ways you can enhance its functionality. Some improvements include:

  • Enhancing Error Handling: Display more descriptive error messages or create a custom error component
  • Adding Loading Indicators: You can use spinners or progress bars to improve the user experience during the loading phase.
  • Triggering API Calls Based on User Input: For instance, you can make API calls when a user submits a form, offering more interactivity.

You can also consider adding features like WebSocket support to receive real-time event data from the backend, or you could integrate third-party libraries to level up your React development.

Common API Call Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

When making API calls, several common issues might arise:

  • Handling CORS Issues: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) errors can occur if the API server doesn’t allow requests from your domain. You can usually resolve this by configuring the server or using a proxy.
  • Dealing with Incorrect API Endpoints: Ensure the endpoint URL is correct. Typos or incorrect paths can lead to unnecessary errors.
  • Handling Large Datasets: If your API returns a large amount of data, consider paginating the results or using lazy loading to improve performance.

In addition to handling common API call issues, there are several simple tricks to level up your ReactJS web development. By organizing the folder structure, reusing components, encrypting user data, and using CSS-in-JS libraries like Styled Components, you can easily achieve it. Avoid unnecessary re-renders with lifecycle optimization and test using production builds for better performance. These tips enhance efficiency and app maintainability.


To develop simple API call with React, set up your environment, create a component to fetch data, and manage loading and error states efficiently. With tools like fetch and Axios, making API calls in React becomes both simple and powerful. For further learning, explore more advanced features like Web Sockets or delve into third-party libraries to enhance your applications. Soft Suave, offering expertise across various tech stacks, including React JS. If you seek a reliable partner for your web app development projects, Soft Suave can provide the development expertise you need.